Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Yesterday we celebrated the 3rd birthday of our little man, Caedmon Samuel Nelson. I know some of you know the history behind his name, but for those who do not, I would like to tell you the story.
Cædmon was a simple farm laborer who became an Anglo- Saxon poet. How did this happen?
Cædmon was a herdsman and during joyous gatherings the herdsmen joined together and sang songs. When Cædmon’s turn to sing approached he quickly got up to avoid embarrassment, for he knew no songs and did not know how to sing. One night Cædmon went to the stable to sleep with the animals, and in a vivid dream he saw an unknown man who asked him to sing about The First Creation. He obeyed and used words which he had never heard before. The verse he wrote was full of praise for God and his creation, this verse was called "Cædmon’s Hymn"
He was thought to be glorified and honored with a divine gift. This gift was given to him by God; he received the “art of poetry.” He was welcomed in the community and later became a monk. He composed poems based on the first book of the Bible and also the New Testament. This all came from an uneducated man that merely wanted to serve God with the gift he had been given.
It is our prayer that our precious son, Caedmon, will serve God too with the wonderful gifts he has been given. We love you Cade.

1 comment:

Ana Degenaar said...

Happy Mother's day, we wish you the best of all blessings and we have made a little something for you:


God bless you,