The other night we came home to a hand written note by Connor that a package would soon be arriving from Nana full of candy, grits, and other goodies. Ken and I had gotten to go on a rare date thanks to a soon to be leaving student from a college in Ohio that is doing just one trimester down here. (Thanks Brandi! We will miss you when you go back Sunday. ) Any way it made the children's day to know that something special was coming for them in a care package from Nana. It was an unexpected gift.
A couple of weeks ago we received another unexpected gift from Mrs. Bredbenner (Mom to
Brett, one of our fellow M's down here). She apparently told Brett's wife her Sunday school class and her wanted to bless a couple of families down here during the holidays with a care package. What a blessing it was! Complete with stickers, Christmas bags, garland, cookie mix, spices, a beautiful stocking (Connor was threatening to use his nasty stinky soccer sock for Santa to fill), chicken packets, stuffing, even Christmas napkins a table cloth, and a great dvd! What a wonderful and totally undeserved gift. You rock Mrs. B!
Ken and I had been a little bummed as it is the end of the school year and we are missing our family and friends. Ken was missing his annual game of Trivial Pursuit with his brother Jeff and seeing all of his family in Mobile. I was missing our ladies annual ornament swap from Sunday school and our Christmas program at church. To top it all off apparently the rainy season is still not over yet. We were especially bummed that we wouldn't be receiving any mail at Christmas, but the director said we could check our mail if we were willing to bring everyone's mail to the school during the Christmas break! (So feel free to send those Christmas cards and letters if you want to spread some holiday cheer!) That is a gift that we are so grateful for.

All of this reminded me of a gift that arrived 2000 years ago in a small package. This gift was foretold and still it was unexpected by the people. When the angels told the shepherds in the field they probably knew the prophecies concerning the Messiah. They probably did not expect to see Him face to face in a manger filled with straw in such lowly conditions or heralded by a host of angels singing , "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth and good will toward men."
When the Wise men followed the star from the east for years, I am sure they
too were not prepared for the tiny house and the simple surroundings that greeted them when they found the Christ child. They were probably surprised too at the manner in which God provided salvation to the nations. A small child, born to young, poor parents. Why in the world would God send his only son to earth in such a way? Why was there no palace, no royal clothing, not even a parade? Why was this gift wrapped so simply in human flesh? This was God after all, incarnate. Why would He be willing to leave the splendor and majesty of heaven to be born in a stable for animals with only scraps of linen for his clothing?

Every year I am reminded of the wonder of this small gift that has been the most important gift I have ever received. I do not deserve it, but I am so grateful for it! Our prayer is that in the midst of all this holiday rush, everyone will take the time to think about that one special gift given to us more than 2000 years ago, unexpected and undeserved, but oh so grateful!
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
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