While the address you see on the right hand side of our blog is indeed a mailing address, it is a post office box for our language school. It serves a couple of hundred folks here as the location to receive mail and packages and we have a mailroom on campus for that purpose. Now if someone wanted to actually come to my house the address "description" is a bit different. We give addresses based on landmarks in a particular sector of the city. We start from known landmarks such as a park, police station, school, well-known building, etc., and then proceed to give directions and distances along with a description of the edifice we call home.
The physical address of Casa Nelson is as follows:
San Francisco de dos Rios - De la casetilla del guarda del Parque de Bosque, 300 metros al oeste y 75 metros al sur, casa blanca y verde con portones negros, mano derecha, en frente de la pulperia.
Now for you non-Spanish speaking gringos out there this loosely translates to:
In San Francisco de dos Rios (a "suburb" of San José) - From the small guard house at Parque Bosque, go 300 meters (3 blocks - however long that may be) east and 75 meters (3/4 of a block) south. Our house is the white and green one with black burglar bars (which incidently make up a sizable portion of the architecture). We are on the right hand side across from a small convenience store (ran out of the neighbor's garage).

One of the things "veteran" language students do for incoming new students is to take them to a nearby copy center with "physical" address in hand to have multiple laminated copies made for the refrigerator and wallets. Don't leave home without them. I might add that our address is one of the more simpler ones due to our proximity to such a well-known landmark as Parque Bosque. Some of these poor guys here need a full index card to lead the taxi-driver home. It gives back-seat driving a whole new meaning.
And don't even think about trying to MapQuest me!
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