Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Change of Heart

Recently at our women´s Bible study at the House of Restoration we had a discussion of what our lives are like with and without Christ in them. As I looked around the room I was in awe of the visible changes I saw in so many of these women just in the last three months.

Tasha (one of the other Miss.) told me that Liliana came to the house hollow and empty, covered in sores, hair matted, and completely broken. Now I look at her and I see the beauty of Christ. She has a wonderful glow in her smile that shines from inside out. She is a life that was changed by Christ.

Karla was devastated when she arrived at the house. She had recently been diagnosed HIV positive and did not know where to turn. She resented the man that had given her this disease and she was bitter because she felt that now she had to suffer alone. Today she has a peace and a joy. Every time I see her she has a big smile and is so excited to learn more about the new life she has in Christ that she wants to share it with others, even the man who gave her HIV. She is a life that was changed by Christ.

I distinctly remember the day Maria arrived. She came to the house during the middle of our study and looked like she would rather be anywhere but there. I heard her ask another lady, "When will this be over?" Maria now has to return to her parents home. She is only 16 years old and her parents had placed her in the home because of her alcoholism. She is excited about going home, but she does not want to leave the Bible study. She eagerly volunteers now to read Bible passages out loud each week and keeps up with her daily Bible study journal. She is trying to arrange to have her mother bring her each week to the Thursday Bible studies. She is a life that was changed by Christ.

I could go on and on about others like Isabella, Yolanda, and my dear sweet Kalyn (her name in Spanish sounds like Kayleigh, so I call her my hija/daughter). All of these women have gone from death in transgressions to life in Christ, enemies of God to children of God, following the ways of the world to standing for truth and Christ, enslaved to Satan to free in Christ!

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

Do people really see Christ in our lives? This question recently convicted me greatly. Have there been times I just tried to blend in with the crowd and go along with what others were saying because I did not want to take a stand, because it was easier? When people look at me do they see me standing for truth in my walk and convictions, or just caving into worldly desires for more stuff, power, pleasure, etc..?

Each of these women is now making a stand. They are telling their families, their friends, even the people they once called enemies about the change Christ has made in their lives. It is easy to hide behind that wall of just saying, "Well, they know I am a Christian, I don´t need to say anything about my life in Christ, they can just see it." But is that all we are really suppose to do, or is there more?

1 Peter 3:13-15 says: "And who will harm you if you are passionate for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear or be disturbed, but set apart the Messiah as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you."

These women are living that example in their lives. The change they experienced began in their heart, but enveloped their entire lives. They are willing to stand up to the fears of the past, the peer pressure and remain passionate in their Christian walk. We too cannot be shy about speaking the truth in love. We must be the salt and the light in this world, especially in times of darkness. John the Baptist did this and lost his head for it. Most of the apostles also sacrificed their lives for the truth. Elijah ran for his life because he obeyed God and would not deny God's truth.

We can do no other as children of God but to obey what the words of Paul : "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong." 1 Cor 16:13


Sandra Michael said...

Kristen, I enjoy reading your blog. You show a great deal of wisdom in your observations. You have inspired me to seek out a Bible study and not wait until I get one going in my home.
Sandy Michael

The Sadlers said...

I love this blog. What progress these ladies have made. PTL!!