So how do two brothers (and a sister) become blood brothers?
They merely spill their blood at the same moment by not following directions, of course. It all started Saturday after we came back from the feria (farmer's market). I needed to wash down the stroller and after I was done I let the kids play in our painted carport area to cool off. It was like a slip and slide for them, and I just told them to not run and fall down, but rather just slide on their knees. All went well for an hour as Kayleigh and Cade slid around on the ground. Then Connor got home from soccer practice. He too was sweaty and wanted to have some fun in the water. As I was cleaning vegetables I heard Cade start crying. I looked and Cade had fallen and smacked his head on the step by the door. He had a nice little gash in the middle of his forehead. I realized right away that this one was going to need some skin glue. Ken went for the always handy first aid kit and I told Connor and Kayleigh that the fun needed to stop. As I was preparing to bandage Cade I heard an ear piercing s
cream outside. Sure enough, Connor decided to go ahead and slide anyway and was now sporting a deep gash in his leg from the bottom corner of the half-open iron door that he had just inserted his left thigh into. So our little Costa Rican home quickly turned into a M*A*S*H unit. Who knew my nursing triage experience would be so handy here on the mission field? As Ken held pressure on Connor's cut, I cleaned, glued and bandaged Cade. Then I cleaned and bandaged Connor so we could take him to the ER for his necessary stitches. Three hours and 3 stitches later, we were back home and laughing at the whole scenario.
We realized that Connor learned a very valuable lesson about being obedient. It was a teaching moment I do not believe he will forget any time soon. It reminded me too of the times I have been disobedient with the Lord only to learn the painful consequences of my disobedience. Sometime it is momentary pain; sometimes the scars stay with us for life. Regardless of the pain I felt, I know how much it really hurt God to watch me suffer the results of my actions, just like it hurt me to watch Connor suffer the pain from his disobedience. 
On a less serious note, Kayleigh too qualifies as a blood brother/sister by losing her first tooth! Although it was not nearly as traumatic (or quite as bloody), it was definitely entertaining. I have been informed by her that I am to cut all of her apples for lunch as she has another loose tooth and does not want it to end up in her apple at school!
1 comment:
Oh my! You have been busy Nurse Mommy! So cute! Miss you too.
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