Today we had a "despedida" (farewell party) for one of our missionary families here, the Brooms. They have been dear friends of ours here in Quito since we arrived. I remember when I first met Kathy and Paul and we realized that #1 they had served in Venezuela (the place we felt God had called us) and #2 they were from Alabama. I knew we would be good friends despite the fact that they pulled for Auburn, and we of course for Alabama. As Paul said tonight, only in the mission field will you find two families that are Alabama and Auburn fans be such good friends!
We are sad to see them go after serving with the mission board for 15 years now, but we know God has some wonderful plans for them back in Alabama. They talked about how they had left a piece of their heart in Venezuela when they had to leave almost 3 years ago due to a new law saying no children born in the country (their middle child, Nathan, was born there) are allowed to leave without the permission of the government. They had seen the Lord move in a mighty way there and I know it must have been very difficult for them to say goodbye to all of their friends and the nationals they had grown to love like family.
One thing I believe many people do not understand about living overseas is how different our lives are here versus there in terms of relationships. Relationships are everything here. Ask any missionary what they would rather do, go shopping, see a movie, or hang out at someone else's house and play board games, hanging out wins every time. I cannot count the number of times we have gone to their house and vice-versa just to hang out and eat together. Living in a foreign country has it's hassles for sure, but it really does make you appreciate so much more other people that share your heart language and culture. And so we will miss the Brooms and the things they have taught us about the importance of relationships and being there for others. I know this is not really goodbye for us, just so long for now....
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