Easter has kind of snuck up on me this year. I have no idea what I

will cook. My cupboards are bare and I really need to shop. I have not even bought the candy yet. It has always been a tradition for the kids to follow Easter clues Easter morning that lead them to their baskets. I haven't even started on that yet. I know all of those things are secondary to what Easter truly means. I believe this is the year that we will focus on the true meaning. Now before any of you write me and say, "No candy for the kids?" or "No Easter egg hunt????", no I do not mean I won't do that. I just mean that maybe this year I won't spend all my time preparing a large meal and clues and picking the perfect candy for Easter baskets. Instead I think we will read the Easter story together on Easter morning. Maybe I will have the k

ids help me make Tomb cookies Saturday night and then Sunday morning we can talk about the significance of the empty tomb. I am just looking for some new traditions that will emphasize more about why we celebrate Easter.

So I am asking some of my faithful readers to please share with me some of your favorite Easter traditions. I would love to get some new ideas that we can use here that bring home the message of Christ's sacrificial love. I would like to leave you with a beautiful poem I found that sums up what I want to convey.
We hold so close to our hearts
The cross where Jesus died
But so much more than the blood-stained cross
Is that Jesus came back to life
The stone's been rolled away The tomb lay open and bare
They looked for Him, and then the angel said
That He is no longer here
Oh what joy they must have felt
To see Him just once more
To eat with Him, to drink with Him
To receive Him back as Lord
So much did He accomplish
Through His death upon the cross
And in His rising from the dead
He reconciled us back to God
Nothing else could bridge the gap
That sin had wrenched apart
Now we can freely go to God
And receive Christ in our hearts
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