We had a good Christmas here in Ecuador and wanted to share a few photos and memories with you all of our last two weeks. Just a few days before Christmas Kayleigh lost two more teeth making the grand total 7 (5 of which are still not grown in yet). We have a few new nicknames for our little "Gummy" girl. It was rare for me to get her to show her teeth in this photo, you will notice the next few are closed mouth. She was chosen to play the part of Mary in a children's nativity at the church we have been visiting. She made a beautiful Mary and we really enjoyed the program.
They even had a great evangelistic message as part of the program to really show the true meaning of Christmas.

Connor surprised us all during the Christmas program at school when we found out he had won second place in the school art contest for the Christmas program. I later found out he was surprised as well. The program had a bunch of great carols and Christmas songs in English and Spanish. It was wonderful to hear all those great songs as last year we found that most churches in Costa Rica did not celebrate Christmas with carols, decorations or any of the traditions that we have in the states.

Of course Cade was up to his usual mischief. As I was sewing his name on his stocking late Christmas eve I kept hearing him say in his room, "I heaw leighbells Connow!" Eventually we got him to settle down and go to sleep. The next morning he was delighted to see the cool set of drums "Santa" left him. All I can say is that revenge for our upstairs neighbor with the loud, profane rock music has been found in a 3-year-old budding drummer. Unfortunately, it isn't quite as sweet as I'd hoped for...

Well, we hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas. I know for many of you it was a white one! We too plan to go visit some snow here in Ecuador on top of volcano Cotopaxi sometime this week. I promise to post some photos of the trip when I can. God bless everyone and have a safe and fun New Years!
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