Thursday afternoon at 1:11 our world was literally rocked. About 20 miles from us in a tourist area we visited during December, an earthquake of 6.1 magnitude shook all of Costa Rica and our
neighbors in Nicaragua and Panama. What seemed like an eternity actually lasted only 40 seconds. As it first started I believed, like previous tremors we have felt, that this was just a little one. I discovered as the bed I was studying in did not stop jiggling, but actually started moving across the room that this was not just a little tremor. I heard Ken and the kids going to the front carport and realized Cade was still in his bunk bed in his bedroom. As I reached to get him the jiggling stopped so I thought, "Oh, it must be over." The jiggling turned into the kind of swaying one
might experience on a small boat on the high seas. I quickly snatched up our youngest and ran for the door. Our Tico empleada was praying out loud "Santo Dios, ayudanos!" (Holy God help us!) I realized this was the real deal and started to pray myself. When the earthquake stopped I realized almost all of my neighbors had left their homes and were in the street. With all the power lines I'm not sure that is the safest place, but we have decided to have an emergency plan for the future now.

My neighbor said he thought we were close to the epicenter. Come to find out we were 20 miles from it. The town that was hit hardest is still searching for those missing. The death toll is at 34 with 64 still missing. Many children were killed in large mud slides while playing outside. Tourists in the area were also killed. Scarily enough there have been over 2,000 aftershocks. We have felt several of them.

We watched the coverage late into the night as the rescue workers tried desperately to get to people buried beneath the dirt that slid down the sides of the mountain. Connor asked me at one point what was that white bag they were trying to dig up. As I listenend to the newscaster I realized that they were trying to get to two little girls that had been buried alive while selling candy on the side of the street to tourists during their summer break. This picture is of the parents of those two girls. Please keep them in your prayers.
As you look at these pictures I ask that you would pray for the people of Costa Rica, especially those from Alajuela where the quake hit hardest.
There is an active volcano there (Poas) that some believe could cause problems if we continue to have many quakes this year. Most of all please pray that the people of this area would seek the Lord as their source of comfort and healing. Thank you for your prayers and for your concern for us during this time.

...There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All of these are the beginning of birth pains...
Matthew 24:7-8
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