It's funny how people always ask me how the kids are doing with their new baby brother. I never got that question when it was just two kids, but I guess people just assume with three it must be complete mayhem if not anarchy at the least. So Kayleigh, being the middle child, often speaks to Cade on his level saying, "Goo-goo, ga-ga, baby, boo-boo..." Now Kayleigh likes to speak very loudly...in church, in the library, in the movie theatre... but especially when talking babytalk to Cade. One day she was right in his face doing her "goo-goo" routine and Cade started fussing. Connor, ever the watchful big brother said, "Stop it, Kayleigh! You're scaring him......You're scaring me!!!"
Now that Cade is 4 months old I sometimes pump at home if I need to do things in the evening like Kids market the other night. I was doing my best to discreetly pump a bottle for Cade, yet feeling a lot like a Holstein the whole time. Kayleigh walks up to me and just watches carefully for a good long minute. This does not help the whole milk reflex thing to have an audience, but I ask her if she needs anything. She says nonplussed, "They're both gonna win mommy!" I choke back a laugh and say, "Oh, it's a race?" " Yeah," she says. "And they're both gonna win!" OK, so now maybe I feel more like a thoroughbred.
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