Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Redefining Hate

It's been a while since I blogged.  I recently changed location where I work with my employer which has meant different hours and a new way of doing things.  Needless to say, the blogging had to be put on hold.  We have continued to seek partners with the work God has called us to in Honduras.  We are so thrilled for our current partnerships and pray that we may be as much of a blessing to them as they have been to us.

Recently I had someone from church say they hoped we didn't leave any time soon for the mission field.  They said that they would miss our children too much.  Now I understand this was meant as a compliment, and I thanked them for teaching our child in their Sunday school class, but I have heard that myself at work, from family, and from friends as well.

This always reminds me of what Jesus said in Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, and even his own life—he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple." Is the Lord really saying we should hate everyone that is important to us? No, He is saying our love for Him and our desire to do His will should so far surpass our love for others that in comparison it seems like hatred. And Jesus knew exactly how that felt. His own brothers did not believe in him. Even James did not put his trust in the Lord until Jesus was raised from the dead. The people in Nazareth could only see the son of a carpenter and did not even recognize Him as the Messiah. I can only imagine how Christ longed to perform miracles among them, but their own lack of faith in Him prevented it.

The Lord has to remind me that He has called us to serve Him among the people of Honduras, and although we will miss our friends and family of course, our desire to do His will and to love Him above all others must always win out.  This is no easy task by any means, and so I ask each of you to pray for our children, for Ken and me to be strong.  I ask you to pray for the people of Honduras that are dying daily without ever hearing the gospel.  I ask that you pray we may be able to go soon to serve the Lord among the Honduran people and that we might be a light shining brightly for Jesus.  Most of all, please pray that we may be found faithful to Him who has called us for His purpose.