I was sitting here and looking at all the posts on Facebook of 4th of July activities and comments of thanks about our country's founding fathers. I was reminded of the price paid for that freedom, a price many other country's citizens are unable or unwilling to pay. Below is a poem that reminds us of the cost of freedom. As we celebrate this important holiday and our heritage as US citizens I hope that all will give thanks to God for our freedom and pray for the soldiers that continue to pay the price to keep our freedom. God bless all of you and God bless America.
FREEDOM’S PRICE (Tribute to Declaration of Independence)
"In God we trust," on our money appears
Showing our faith down through the years.
Behind the flag we call "Old Glory"
Lies a valiant and courageous story.
The Declaration, as Jefferson penned it,
Called for British rule to be ended.
Unalienable rights of freedom were told
When John Hancock etched his signature bold.
Fifty-six strong and courageous men
Took in hand a goose-quill pen.
Knowing the risk, and holding life dear,
They signed the charter, ignoring the fear.
Five endured torture which took their lives,
Never returning to their wives.
Twelve homes were looted, plundered, or burned,
And nine men died in a war they had spurned.
Four sons were captured or otherwise lost,
Of these brave men who counted the cost.
Their gallant echoes of the past
Speak of a heritage rich and vast.
Now, we cherish this land of ours
And give praise to higher powers.
God has smiled on its fruited plains
And blessed its wealth of golden grains.
The Star-Spangled Banner proudly waves high
Over these brave men, and we know why--
Independence won by master design;
Freedom gained through Providence Divine.