Ken and I decided that Connor should participate in scouting this year. We knew that it would help him learn about team work, dedication and volunteering. Now as some of you know I am a former army reservist, so I am quite familiar with "wearing the uniform". When I was sworn in I remember Ken wishing he had been in the military. He has always had a fondness for the uniform as a former Cub Scout and ROTC member. Little did Ken know what he was in for when he went to the first pack meeting. They were desperate for some leadership help. When I saw the email asking for den leaders I did what any good scouting mom would do. I volunteered my husband. So now Ken is an assistant den leader to 18 very rowdy first grade boys. The first thing he did as a new den leader.....buy a new uniform. I mean quicker than you could say Dudley Do-Right that man had a uniform replete with new hiking boots, patches, and of course the official Scout bolo tie. I think all he needs is a campaign hat (see mounty hat) and he will look ready for the Canadian Border Patrol! The first scout outing? The fire station! Ken said the poor firemen couldn't wait for everyone to leave. Sad thing is they were only there a half hour. Let's hear it for the Hoover FD!