The big birthday party for Connor and Kayleigh was Saturday August 12th at the fun factory. Together the kids had 25 friends with them to celebrate their special day with them. Kayleigh had a "My Pretty Pony" theme for her cake and Connor had a Batman theme. Most of Connor's class from Deer Valley came to his party, and Kayleigh had her friends from dance class and the neighborhood. A good time was had by all!

Friday, August 11, 2006
This is the first official entry of the Nelson Press blog. The Nelson family is Ken, Kirsten, Connor (6, but "turning 7 in less than 110 hours Mommy!"), Kayleigh (4), and little Cade (3 months). Cade gets his first official photo shoot on Tuesday, so I hope to get some pictures of him put in then. Until then we'll just have to use some of our crazy home pics of the kids in action.